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Summary results

date and time submitted name id & link system costs [bnEUR/a] marginal abatement cost [EUR/tCO2] difference to default downloads
2024-09-26 21:21:30 EU 2050 - Transmission expansion 53a77d18-d888-4232-9f96-d6b1ba67d0c2 961.61 478.07 frequency: 193 -> 25; solar_cost: 302.0 -> 300.0; offwind_cost: 1416.0 -> 1500.0; onwind_cost: 963.0 -> 1000.0; nuclear_cost: 7940.0 -> 4500.0; electrolysis_cost: 500.0 -> 350.0; land_transmission_cost: 400.0 -> 500.0; linemax_extension: 10.0 -> 20.0; line_volume: 1.5 -> 3.0; land_transport_electric_share: 0.85 -> 0.9; land_transport_fuel_cell_share: 0.15 -> 0.1; space_heat_demand: 0.71 -> 1.3; water_heat_demand: 1.0 -> 1.5; electricity_demand: 0.9 -> 1.3; land_transport_demand: 1.0 -> 1.5; shipping_demand: 1.0 -> 1.5; aviation_demand: 1.2 -> 1.5; industry_demand: 0.9 -> 1.3; co2_sequestration_cost: 20.0 -> 30.0 zip file of all results | PyPSA network file | config.yaml file

Table of contents

Breakdown of yearly system costs

All costs are in 2015 euros, EUR-2015.

01002003004005006007008009001,000system costs [bnEUR/a]EU 2050 - Transmission expansion Fischer-TropschDACCCCO2 sequestrationH2 pipelineH2 Electrolysishydrogen storagehelmethfossil gasgas boilerbiomass CHPresistive heaterair heat pumpground heat pumpsolar PV rooftopsolar PV utilityoffshore wind (DC)offshore wind (AC)onshore winduraniumnuclearbiogassolid biomasshydroelectricityelectricity distribution gridtransmission lines


starting grid | grid reinforcement and other investments | hydrogen network and electrolyser capacity

53a77d18-d888-4232-9f96-d6b1ba67d0c2 | EU 2050 - Transmission expansion

today's grid tomorrow's grid hydrogen grid

Technology capacities

01,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007,0008,000capacities [GW]EU 2050 - Transmission expansion ground heat pumpair heat pumpresistive heaterH2 ElectrolysisFischer-Tropschhydroelectricityonshore windoffshore wind (AC)offshore wind (DC)solar PV utilitysolar PV rooftopnuclearOCGTH2 Fuel Cellbiomass CHPgas CHP

Energy balances by carrier

high voltage electricity supply and demand

-14,000-12,000-10,000-8,000-6,000-4,000-2,00002,0004,0006,0008,00010,00012,00014,000energy [TWh/a]EU 2050 - Transmission expansion biomass CHPsolar PV utilityoffshore wind (DC)offshore wind (AC)onshore windnuclearhydroelectricityelectricity distribution gridhelmethH2 ElectrolysisDAC

low voltage electricity supply and demand

-8,000-6,000-4,000-2,00002,0004,0006,0008,000energy [TWh/a]EU 2050 - Transmission expansion solar PV rooftopelectricity distribution gridground heat pumpair heat pumpresistive heaterBEV chargerindustry electricitynon-industrial electricity

hydrogen supply and demand

-3,500-3,000-2,500-2,000-1,500-1,000-50005001,0001,5002,0002,5003,0003,500energy [TWh/a]EU 2050 - Transmission expansion H2 ElectrolysisFischer-TropschH2 for industryH2 for shippingland transport fuel cell

methane supply and demand

-700-600-500-400-300-200-1000100200300400500600700energy [TWh/a]EU 2050 - Transmission expansion helmethfossil gasbiogasgas boilergas for industry

liquid hydrocarbon supply and demand

-2,000-1,500-1,000-50005001,0001,5002,000energy [TWh/a]EU 2050 - Transmission expansion Fischer-Tropschkerosene for aviationnaphtha for industry

CO2 supply and demand

-600-500-400-300-200-1000100200300400500600CO2 [MtCO2/a]EU 2050 - Transmission expansion industry oil emissionsgas for industryaviation oil emissionsgas boilerbiogasbiomass CHPCCDAC

stored CO2 supply and demand

-700-600-500-400-300-200-1000100200300400500600700CO2 [MtCO2/a]EU 2050 - Transmission expansion DACCCbiomass CHPhelmethCO2 sequestrationFischer-Tropsch

residential rural building heating supply and demand

-2,000-1,500-1,000-50005001,0001,5002,000energy [TWh/a]EU 2050 - Transmission expansion gas boilerresistive heaterground heat pumpheat

urban district heating supply and demand

-2,500-2,000-1,500-1,000-50005001,0001,5002,0002,500energy [TWh/a]EU 2050 - Transmission expansion Fischer-Tropschgas boilerbiomass CHPresistive heaterair heat pumphot water storageDACheatlow-temperature heat for industry

Primary energy

Note that primary energy for wind, solar and hydroelectricity is accounted for using the direct equivalence method, i.e. assuming a 100% correspondence between primary energy and electricity generation.

02,0004,0006,0008,00010,00012,00014,00016,00018,00020,00022,00024,00026,000primary energy [TWh/a]EU 2050 - Transmission expansion fossil gasambient air heatambient ground heatsolar PV rooftopsolar PV utilityoffshore wind (DC)offshore wind (AC)onshore windnuclear heatbiogassolid biomasshydroelectricity

Final energy and non-energy

Electricity includes electricity demand from electric vehicles, newly-electrified industry and heat pumps in individual buildings, but excludes electricity demand for water electrolysis. Hydrogen includes hydrogen demand for land transport, shipping, industry and ammonia production, but excludes hydrogen demand for synthesis into hydrocarbons. Liquid hydrocarbons include aviation fuel and feedstock for basic chemicals production (mostly for plastics).

01,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007,0008,0009,00010,00011,00012,00013,000final energy [TWh/a]EU 2050 - Transmission expansion district heatliquid hydrocarbonshydrogenmethaneelectricity

Time series for system operation

high voltage electricity supply and demand time series

low voltage electricity supply and demand time series

hydrogen supply and demand time series

methane supply and demand time series

liquid hydrocarbon supply and demand time series

CO2 supply and demand time series

stored CO2 supply and demand time series

residential rural building heating supply and demand time series

urban district heating supply and demand time series