starting grid | grid reinforcement and other investments | hydrogen network and electrolyser capacity
886f2309-12a7-44e1-b60b-b352df41cd0a | no name
Technology capacities
Energy balances by carrier
high voltage electricity supply and demand
low voltage electricity supply and demand
hydrogen supply and demand
methane supply and demand
liquid hydrocarbon supply and demand
CO2 supply and demand
stored CO2 supply and demand
residential rural building heating supply and demand
urban district heating supply and demand
Primary energy
Note that primary energy for wind, solar and hydroelectricity
is accounted for using the direct equivalence method,
i.e. assuming a 100% correspondence between primary energy and
electricity generation.
Final energy and non-energy
Electricity includes electricity demand from electric
vehicles, newly-electrified industry and heat pumps in individual
buildings, but excludes electricity demand for water
electrolysis. Hydrogen includes hydrogen demand for land
transport, shipping, industry and ammonia production, but
excludes hydrogen demand for synthesis into hydrocarbons. Liquid
hydrocarbons include aviation fuel and feedstock for basic
chemicals production (mostly for plastics).
Time series for system operation
high voltage electricity supply and demand time series
low voltage electricity supply and demand time series
hydrogen supply and demand time series
methane supply and demand time series
liquid hydrocarbon supply and demand time series
CO2 supply and demand time series
stored CO2 supply and demand time series
residential rural building heating supply and demand time series
urban district heating supply and demand time series